
Task-based TLV (TTLV) communication module for ATmega microcontrollers.  Also supports the INM (Inter-Node Messaging) protocol.  Uses the task_sched.h task scheduler to perform communication asynchronously.

task_tlv.hTask-based TLV (TTLV) communication module for ATmega microcontrollers.
Configuration Macros
TTLV_XMIT_BFR_SIZESize in bytes of the TTLV transmit buffer.
TTLV_RECV_BFR_SIZESize in bytes of the TTLV receive buffer.
Protocol Constants
TTLV_MAX_MESSAGE_IDLargest valid TTLV message ID.
TTLV_MAX_MESSAGE_ADRLargest valid INM address.
TTLV_LOCAL_ADRSpecial INM address representing the local node.
TTLV_BROADCAST_ADRSpecial INM address used for broadcast messages.
TTLV_MIN_TYPE_NUMSmallest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.
TTLV_MAX_TYPE_NUMLargest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.
TTLV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENMaximum TTLV message length for standard messages.
TTLV_PROTOCOL_TYPE_NUMTTLV message type number reserved for protocol messages.
TTLV_MIN_LARGE_TYPE_NUMSmallest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.
TTLV_MAX_LARGE_TYPE_NUMLargest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.
TTLV_MAX_LARGE_MESSAGE_LENMaximum TTLV message length for large messages.
Data Types
TTLV Module State/Result CodesNOTE: The error codes are those with names starting with “TTLV_E_”.
TTLV Mode Flags
TTLV Byte Parity Codes
ttlv_modeThe type of mode flags for the TTLV module.
ttlv_stateThe type of state codes for the TTLV module.
TTLV_HEADER_BYTES_TLVSize in bytes of a TLV header.
TTLV_HEADER_BYTES_INMCombined size in bytes of an INM header and a TLV header.
TTLV_MAX_LEN_TLVMaximum TLV length of a plain TLV message handled by the TTLV module.
TTLV_MAX_LEN_INMMaximum TLV length of an INM message handled by the TTLV module.
ttlv_s_inm_headerSpecifies the byte format of an INM message header.
msg_idIdentification number of the INM message.
dstadrINM address of the destination node.
srcadrINM address of the source node.
ttlv_inm_headerProvides byte access to the ttlv_s_inm_header struct h via the byte array b.
ttlv_s_headerSpecifies the byte format of a TLV header.
typeTLV type identifier field.
lengthTLV length field.
ttlv_headerProvides byte access to the ttlv_s_header struct h via the byte array b.
API Variables
ttlv_mode_flagsContains a set of mode flags (ttlv_mode) that represent the current operation mode of the TTLV module.
ttlv_xmit_task_catsContains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
ttlv_recv_task_catsContains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
ttlv_xmit_stateA ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV transmitter.
ttlv_xmit_inm_headerContains the ttlv_inm_header to transmit.
ttlv_xmit_headerContains the ttlv_header to transmit.
ttlv_recv_stateA ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV receiver.
ttlv_recv_inm_headerContains the most recently received ttlv_inm_header.
ttlv_recv_headerContains the most recently received ttlv_header.
Helper Macros
BAUD_TO_UBRRConverts a baud rate to an UBRR register value that can be passed to ttlv_init.
TTLV_HAS_MESSAGEEvaluates to a true value if and only if at least one complete received message is currently pending.
TTLV_HAS_HEADEREvaluates to a true value if and only if at least one received message header (TLV header only in TLV mode, INM+TLV header in INM mode) is currently pending.
TTLV_IS_ERROREvaluates to a true value if and only if the argument is a TTLV error code.
TTLV_CHECK_TLEvaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and minimum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.
TTLV_CHECK_TL_MAXEvaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and maximum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.
TTLV_PTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.
TTLV_CPTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to a constant instance of another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.
TTLV_DATA_PTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.
TTLV_DATA_CPTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to const uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.
API Functions
ttlv_initInitializes the TTLV communication module.
ttlv_put_byteAppends a data byte to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_put_bytesAppends data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_unput_bytesRemoves uncommitted data bytes from the end of the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_try_put_bytesAttempts to append all the specified data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_begin_xmitInitiates message transmission.
ttlv_try_begin_xmitInitiates message transmission or clears the transmit buffer.
ttlv_xmitInitiates transmission of a specified message or clears the transmit buffer.
ttlv_get_bytesRetrieves data bytes from the start of the sequence of incoming bytes in the receive buffer.
ttlv_finish_recvFinishes message reception.
ttlv_recvRetrieves the data bytes of a received message and finishes message reception.
ttlv_shutdownShuts down the TTLV communication module.

Configuration Macros

TTLV_XMIT_BFR_SIZESize in bytes of the TTLV transmit buffer.
TTLV_RECV_BFR_SIZESize in bytes of the TTLV receive buffer.



Size in bytes of the TTLV transmit buffer.  Configuration macro.

Default value: 32


Size in bytes of the TTLV receive buffer.  Configuration macro.

Default value: 32

Protocol Constants

TTLV_MAX_MESSAGE_IDLargest valid TTLV message ID.
TTLV_MAX_MESSAGE_ADRLargest valid INM address.
TTLV_LOCAL_ADRSpecial INM address representing the local node.
TTLV_BROADCAST_ADRSpecial INM address used for broadcast messages.
TTLV_MIN_TYPE_NUMSmallest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.
TTLV_MAX_TYPE_NUMLargest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.
TTLV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENMaximum TTLV message length for standard messages.
TTLV_PROTOCOL_TYPE_NUMTTLV message type number reserved for protocol messages.
TTLV_MIN_LARGE_TYPE_NUMSmallest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.
TTLV_MAX_LARGE_TYPE_NUMLargest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.
TTLV_MAX_LARGE_MESSAGE_LENMaximum TTLV message length for large messages.



Largest valid TTLV message ID.  Constant macro.


Largest valid INM address.  Constant macro.


Special INM address representing the local node.  Constant macro.


Special INM address used for broadcast messages.  Constant macro.


Smallest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.  Constant macro.


Largest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.  Constant macro.


Maximum TTLV message length for standard messages.  Constant macro.

CAUTION: The actual maximum message length this module can handle is less than this general upper limit.  See TTLV_MAX_LEN_TLV and TTLV_MAX_LEN_INM.


TTLV message type number reserved for protocol messages.  Constant macro.


Smallest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.  Constant macro.


Largest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.  Constant macro.


Maximum TTLV message length for large messages.  Constant macro.

Data Types

TTLV Module State/Result CodesNOTE: The error codes are those with names starting with “TTLV_E_”.
TTLV Mode Flags
TTLV Byte Parity Codes
ttlv_modeThe type of mode flags for the TTLV module.
ttlv_stateThe type of state codes for the TTLV module.
TTLV_HEADER_BYTES_TLVSize in bytes of a TLV header.
TTLV_HEADER_BYTES_INMCombined size in bytes of an INM header and a TLV header.
TTLV_MAX_LEN_TLVMaximum TLV length of a plain TLV message handled by the TTLV module.
TTLV_MAX_LEN_INMMaximum TLV length of an INM message handled by the TTLV module.


TTLV Module State/Result Codes

NOTE: The error codes are those with names starting with “TTLV_E_”.  These all have numeric values greater than or equal to TTLV_E_UNSPECIFIED.

TTLV_SUCCESSoperation or function finished successfully
TTLV_DISABLEDmodule is disabled
TTLV_READYmodule is idle and ready to transmit or receive
TTLV_ACTIVEmodule is currently transmitting or receiving data
TTLV_INM_HEADERmodule has an incoming INM header buffered, but not a TLV header
TTLV_HEADERmodule has an incoming TLV header buffered, but not a complete message
TTLV_VALUEmodule is currently transmitting a TLV value in streaming mode
TTLV_VALUE_DONEmodule has a complete incoming message buffered
TTLV_E_UNSPECIFIEDunspecified error
TTLV_E_PARITYparity error in USART receiver
TTLV_E_OVERRUNdata overrun error in USART receiver
TTLV_E_FRAMEframe error in USART receiver
TTLV_E_DROPdata overrun error in TTLV receive buffer
TTLV_E_LENGTHTLV length error (message too large)
TTLV_E_STATEattempted operation not allowed in current module state
TTLV_E_BUFFERdata buffering error (too few or too many buffered bytes)

TTLV Mode Flags

TTLV_MODE_INMSpecifies that INM message headers should be used.
TTLV_MODE_STREAMSpecifies that stream I/O should be enabled.

TTLV Byte Parity Codes

TTLV_PARITY_NONEno byte parity
TTLV_PARITY_EVENeven byte parity
TTLV_PARITY_ODDodd byte parity



typedef uint8_t ttlv_mode

The type of mode flags for the TTLV module.


typedef uint8_t ttlv_state

The type of state codes for the TTLV module.



Size in bytes of a TLV header.  Constant macro.


Combined size in bytes of an INM header and a TLV header.


Maximum TLV length of a plain TLV message handled by the TTLV module.


Maximum TLV length of an INM message handled by the TTLV module.


typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_s_inm_header

Specifies the byte format of an INM message header.

msg_idIdentification number of the INM message.
dstadrINM address of the destination node.
srcadrINM address of the source node.



uint16_t msg_id

Identification number of the INM message.  These are generated independently by each source node.


uint8_t dstadr

INM address of the destination node.


uint8_t srcadr

INM address of the source node.


typedef union ttlv_inm_header

Provides byte access to the ttlv_s_inm_header struct h via the byte array b.


typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_s_header

Specifies the byte format of a TLV header.

typeTLV type identifier field.
lengthTLV length field.



uint8_t type

TLV type identifier field.  The type identifiers are application-defined.


uint8_t length

TLV length field.  Specifies the size in bytes of the TLV value field that follows.


typedef union ttlv_header

Provides byte access to the ttlv_s_header struct h via the byte array b.

API Variables

ttlv_mode_flagsContains a set of mode flags (ttlv_mode) that represent the current operation mode of the TTLV module.
ttlv_xmit_task_catsContains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
ttlv_recv_task_catsContains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
ttlv_xmit_stateA ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV transmitter.
ttlv_xmit_inm_headerContains the ttlv_inm_header to transmit.
ttlv_xmit_headerContains the ttlv_header to transmit.
ttlv_recv_stateA ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV receiver.
ttlv_recv_inm_headerContains the most recently received ttlv_inm_header.
ttlv_recv_headerContains the most recently received ttlv_header.



extern ttlv_mode ttlv_mode_flags

Contains a set of mode flags (ttlv_mode) that represent the current operation mode of the TTLV module.

CAUTION: Do not update this variable in external code, unless you know what you’re doing.


extern sched_catflags ttlv_xmit_task_cats

Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).  Tasks in the indicated categories will be notified in response to certain events in the TTLV transmitter.

The following transmitter events will trigger task notification

  • Additional transmit buffer space becomes available while a message is being transmitted in streaming mode.


extern sched_catflags ttlv_recv_task_cats

Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).  Tasks in the indicated categories will be notified in response to certain events in the TTLV receiver.

The following receiver events will trigger task notification

  • A complete INM header is received in INM mode.
  • A complete TLV header is received.
  • A complete message is received.
  • Additional data bytes become available while a message is being received in streaming mode.
  • A communication error is detected by the TTLV receiver.


extern ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_state

A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV transmitter.

CAUTION: Do not update this variable in external code, unless you know what you’re doing.


extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_xmit_inm_header

Contains the ttlv_inm_header to transmit.

When the TTLV module is used in INM mode, the srcadr field of this struct MUST be set to an appropriate value by external code before any function that initiates transmission of a message is called.  Once set, the same value may be used for several messages.

NOTE: In INM mode, the msg_id field of this struct is incremented by the TTLV transmitter each time an INM header has been committed for transmission.


extern ttlv_header ttlv_xmit_header

Contains the ttlv_header to transmit.


extern ttlv_state ttlv_recv_state

A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV receiver.

CAUTION: Do not update this variable in external code, unless you know what you’re doing.


extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_recv_inm_header

Contains the most recently received ttlv_inm_header.

CAUTION: Do not update this struct in external code, unless you know what you’re doing.


extern ttlv_header ttlv_recv_header

Contains the most recently received ttlv_header.

CAUTION: Do not update this struct in external code, unless you know what you’re doing.

Helper Macros

BAUD_TO_UBRRConverts a baud rate to an UBRR register value that can be passed to ttlv_init.
TTLV_HAS_MESSAGEEvaluates to a true value if and only if at least one complete received message is currently pending.
TTLV_HAS_HEADEREvaluates to a true value if and only if at least one received message header (TLV header only in TLV mode, INM+TLV header in INM mode) is currently pending.
TTLV_IS_ERROREvaluates to a true value if and only if the argument is a TTLV error code.
TTLV_CHECK_TLEvaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and minimum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.
TTLV_CHECK_TL_MAXEvaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and maximum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.
TTLV_PTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.
TTLV_CPTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to a constant instance of another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.
TTLV_DATA_PTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.
TTLV_DATA_CPTRConverts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to const uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.



Converts a baud rate to an UBRR register value that can be passed to ttlv_init.  Function-like macro.

CAUTION: This macro depends on the F_CPU macro deing defined as a long integer expression representing the master clock frequency of the target ATmega controller.


BA positive integer baud rate.  B MUST be less than or equal to F_CPU / 16 (F_CPU / 8 if X is true).
XA Boolean flag indicating whether the double-speed mode of the ATmega USART will be used.


A nonnegative integer UBRR clock divisor value that may be passed to ttlv_init.


Evaluates to a true value if and only if at least one complete received message is currently pending.  Expression macro.


Evaluates to a true value if and only if at least one received message header (TLV header only in TLV mode, INM+TLV header in INM mode) is currently pending.  Expression macro.


Evaluates to a true value if and only if the argument is a TTLV error code.  Function-like macro.

CAUTION: This macro may evaluate true if the argument is not a valid TTLV result code.


SA ttlv_state result code.


True if and only if S is a TTLV error code.


Evaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and minimum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.  The type identifier is tested for equality, while the message length is tested for being less than or equal to the one in ttlv_recv_header.  Function-like macro.


TA TLV message type identifier.
LA minimum TLV message length.


True if and only if the arguments match the current ttlv_recv_header.


Evaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and maximum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.  The type identifier is tested for equality, while the message length is tested for being greater than or equal to the one in ttlv_recv_header.  Function-like macro.


TA TLV message type identifier.
LA maximum TLV message length.


True if and only if the arguments match the current ttlv_recv_header.


Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.  Function-like macro.


TA type name.  The macro will evaluate to a pointer to an instance of this type.
PA pointer.  The macro will evaluate to a pointer containing the same address as this pointer.


A pointer to T, containing the same address as P.


Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to a constant instance of another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.  Function-like macro.


TA type name.  The macro will evaluate to a pointer to a constant instance of his type.
PA pointer.  The macro will evaluate to a pointer containing the same address as this pointer.


A pointer to const T, containing the same address as P.


Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.  Function-like macro.


PA pointer.  The macro will evaluate to a pointer containing the same address as this pointer.


A pointer to uint8_t, containing the same address as P.


Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to const uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.  Function-like macro.


PA pointer.  The macro will evaluate to a pointer containing the same address as this pointer.


A pointer to const uint8_t, containing the same address as P.

API Functions

ttlv_initInitializes the TTLV communication module.
ttlv_put_byteAppends a data byte to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_put_bytesAppends data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_unput_bytesRemoves uncommitted data bytes from the end of the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_try_put_bytesAttempts to append all the specified data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_begin_xmitInitiates message transmission.
ttlv_try_begin_xmitInitiates message transmission or clears the transmit buffer.
ttlv_xmitInitiates transmission of a specified message or clears the transmit buffer.
ttlv_get_bytesRetrieves data bytes from the start of the sequence of incoming bytes in the receive buffer.
ttlv_finish_recvFinishes message reception.
ttlv_recvRetrieves the data bytes of a received message and finishes message reception.
ttlv_shutdownShuts down the TTLV communication module.



void ttlv_init(uint8_t task_num_cat,
uint16_t ubrr,
uint8_t parity,
uint8_t u2x,
ttlv_mode mode,
sched_catflags xmit_task_cats,
sched_catflags recv_task_cats)

Initializes the TTLV communication module.

CAUTION: This function MUST be called before any other API function of the TTLV module is called.


task_num_catA TCSB value containing the task instance and category numbers that should be used by the TTLV receiver/transmitter task.  (The SLP bit of the argument is ignored.)
ubrrA nonnegative clock divisor value that determines the baud rate of the ATmega USART.  The BAUD_TO_UBRR macro may be used to convert a baud rate to a corresponding UBRR value.  Note that this conversion is approximate, i.e. the baud rate produced by the resulting UBRR value may be slightly different from the one given to the macro.
parityA value that specifies the type of byte parity checking to be used by the ATmega USART.  This should be one of the TTLV_PARITY_x enum constants.
u2xA value that specifies whether double-speed mode should be used by the ATmega USART.  This should be either 0 (false) or 1 (true).  The double-speed reception mode doubles the baud rate for a given UBRR value.
modeA set of bit flags specifying the mode the TTLV module should operate in,
xmit_task_catsA set of bit flags specifying task categories whose members should be notified in response to certain events in the TTLV transmitter.  See ttlv_xmit_task_cats for details.
recv_task_catsA set of bit flags specifying task categories whose members should be notified in response to certain events in the TTLV receiver.  See ttlv_recv_task_cats for details.


uint8_t ttlv_put_byte(uint8_t data)

Appends a data byte to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.  If a message is being transmitted in streaming mode, the appended byte will immediately be committed for transmission.


dataA data byte to append to the outgoing data.


The number of bytes appended (1 if successful, 0 if there was a problem).


uint8_t ttlv_put_bytes(uint8_t n,
const uint8_t *data_p)

Appends data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.  If a message is being transmitted in streaming mode, the appended bytes will immediately be committed for transmission.


nNumber of data bytes to append to the outgoing data.
data_pPointer to data bytes to append to the outgoing data.


The number of bytes appended.  If an error occurred or there was insufficient buffer space, this number will be less than n.


uint8_t ttlv_unput_bytes(uint8_t n)

Removes uncommitted data bytes from the end of the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.

NOTE: To remove all uncommitted bytes, give the argument TTLV_XMIT_BFR_SIZE.


nMaximum number of data bytes to remove from the outgoing data.


The number of bytes removed.


uint8_t ttlv_try_put_bytes(uint8_t n,
const uint8_t *data_p)

Attempts to append all the specified data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.  If a message is being transmitted in streaming mode, the appended bytes will immediately be committed for transmission.  If this function cannot append all the specified bytes, it will remove ALL uncommitted data bytes from the transmit buffer (including any that were already there before the function call).

NOTE: This is intended to work as a fire-and-forget output function that will either successfully deliver data bytes for transmission or leave the transmit buffer cleared and ready to begin transmission of another, unrelated message.


nNumber of data bytes to append to the outgoing data.
data_pPointer to data bytes to append to the outgoing data.


A true value if and only if all the specified bytes were appended to the outgoing data.


ttlv_state ttlv_begin_xmit(void)

Initiates message transmission.  Message headers will be copied into the transmit buffer from the ttlv_xmit_inm_header and ttlv_xmit_header structs.  Any uncommitted data bytes in the transmit buffer will be committed for transmission.


An integer result code, which will be an error code if and only if the attempt to initiate transmission failed.


ttlv_state ttlv_try_begin_xmit(void)

Initiates message transmission or clears the transmit buffer.  Message headers will be copied into the transmit buffer from the ttlv_xmit_inm_header and ttlv_xmit_header structs.  Any uncommitted data bytes in the transmit buffer will either be committed for transmission or, if the attempt to initiate transmission fails, removed from the buffer.

NOTE: This is intended to work as a fire-and-forget output function that will either successfully initiate message transmission or leave the transmit buffer cleared and ready to begin transmission of another, unrelated message.


An integer result code, which will be an error code if and only if the attempt to initiate transmission failed.


ttlv_state ttlv_xmit(uint8_t dstadr,
uint8_t type,
uint8_t length,
const uint8_t *data_p)

Initiates transmission of a specified message or clears the transmit buffer.  The header field arguments will be used to update ttlv_xmit_inm_header and ttlv_xmit_header, which will then be copied into the transmit buffer.  The specified data bytes will be copied into the transmit buffer and then either committed for transmission or, if the attempt to initiate transmission fails, removed from the buffer.

NOTE: This is intended to work as a fire-and-forget output function that will either successfully initiate transmission of a complete message or leave the transmit buffer cleared and ready to begin transmission of another, unrelated message.


dstadrINM destination address of the message to transmit.  If not in INM mode, the ttlv_xmit_inm_header field will still be updated.
typeTLV type identifier of the message to transmit.
lengthTLV length of the message to transmit.
data_pPointer to the data bytes (TLV value) of the message to transmit.


An integer result code, which will be an error code if and only if the attempt to initiate transmission failed.


uint8_t ttlv_get_bytes(uint8_t n,
uint8_t *data_p)

Retrieves data bytes from the start of the sequence of incoming bytes in the receive buffer.  Each retrieved byte will be removed from the buffer.


nMaximum number of data bytes to retrieve.
data_pPointer to memory to copy the retrieved data bytes into.


The number of bytes retrieved.  If an error occurred or there was an insufficient number of bytes available in the buffer, this number will be less than n.


ttlv_state ttlv_finish_recv(void)

Finishes message reception.  If any of the data bytes of the message that was being received remain in the receive buffer, they will be removed from the buffer.  When this function returns, the TTLV receiver will be ready to begin processing of the next incoming message.

CAUTION: Once a complete message has been received, processing of incoming messages will be paused until this function or ttlv_recv is called by external code.  This means that to prevent receive buffer overruns, programs that use the TTLV module MUST respond to each incoming message by calling one of those functions within a message reception interval, even if the received message itself is not of interest.


An integer result code, which will be an error code if and only if the attempt to finish reception failed.


ttlv_state ttlv_recv(uint8_t *data_p)

Retrieves the data bytes of a received message and finishes message reception.  When this function returns, the TTLV receiver will be ready to begin processing of the next incoming message.

CAUTION: Once a complete message has been received, processing of incoming messages will be paused until this function or ttlv_finish_recv is called by external code.  This means that to prevent receive buffer overruns, programs that use the TTLV module MUST respond to each incoming message by calling one of those functions within a message reception interval, even if the received message itself is not of interest.


data_pPointer to memory to copy the data bytes of the received message into.  The specified block of memory MUST be large enough to store all the data bytes of the received message (as indicated by the length field of the ttlv_recv_header struct).


An integer result code, which will be an error code if and only if the attempt to retrieve data bytes and finish reception failed.


void ttlv_shutdown(void)

Shuts down the TTLV communication module.  Erases all current transmit and receive operations, aborting them first if they are still pending.

typedef uint8_t ttlv_mode
The type of mode flags for the TTLV module.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_state
The type of state codes for the TTLV module.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_s_inm_header
Specifies the byte format of an INM message header.
uint16_t msg_id
Identification number of the INM message.
uint8_t dstadr
INM address of the destination node.
uint8_t srcadr
INM address of the source node.
typedef union ttlv_inm_header
Provides byte access to the ttlv_s_inm_header struct h via the byte array b.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_s_header
Specifies the byte format of a TLV header.
uint8_t type
TLV type identifier field.
uint8_t length
TLV length field.
typedef union ttlv_header
Provides byte access to the ttlv_s_header struct h via the byte array b.
extern ttlv_mode ttlv_mode_flags
Contains a set of mode flags (ttlv_mode) that represent the current operation mode of the TTLV module.
extern sched_catflags ttlv_xmit_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
typedef uint16_t sched_catflags
The type of fields containing sets of bit flags that correspond to task categories.
extern sched_catflags ttlv_recv_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
extern ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_state
A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV transmitter.
extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_xmit_inm_header
Contains the ttlv_inm_header to transmit.
extern ttlv_header ttlv_xmit_header
Contains the ttlv_header to transmit.
extern ttlv_state ttlv_recv_state
A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV receiver.
extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_recv_inm_header
Contains the most recently received ttlv_inm_header.
extern ttlv_header ttlv_recv_header
Contains the most recently received ttlv_header.
void ttlv_init(uint8_t task_num_cat,
uint16_t ubrr,
uint8_t parity,
uint8_t u2x,
ttlv_mode mode,
sched_catflags xmit_task_cats,
sched_catflags recv_task_cats)
Initializes the TTLV communication module.
uint8_t ttlv_put_byte(uint8_t data)
Appends a data byte to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_put_bytes(uint8_t n,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Appends data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_unput_bytes(uint8_t n)
Removes uncommitted data bytes from the end of the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_try_put_bytes(uint8_t n,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Attempts to append all the specified data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
ttlv_state ttlv_begin_xmit(void)
Initiates message transmission.
ttlv_state ttlv_try_begin_xmit(void)
Initiates message transmission or clears the transmit buffer.
ttlv_state ttlv_xmit(uint8_t dstadr,
uint8_t type,
uint8_t length,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Initiates transmission of a specified message or clears the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_get_bytes(uint8_t n,
uint8_t *data_p)
Retrieves data bytes from the start of the sequence of incoming bytes in the receive buffer.
ttlv_state ttlv_finish_recv(void)
Finishes message reception.
ttlv_state ttlv_recv(uint8_t *data_p)
Retrieves the data bytes of a received message and finishes message reception.
void ttlv_shutdown(void)
Shuts down the TTLV communication module.
A task scheduler for AVR microcontrollers.
Maximum TLV length of a plain TLV message handled by the TTLV module.
Maximum TLV length of an INM message handled by the TTLV module.
Converts a baud rate to an UBRR register value that can be passed to ttlv_init.
Size in bytes of the TTLV transmit buffer.