Converts a baud rate to an UBRR register value that can be passed to ttlv_init.
Maps a mask size to an integer bit mask with the corresponding number of bits set to 1.
Maps a mask size and offset to an integer bit mask with the corresponding number of bits set to 1, at the specified offset.
Maps a mask size and offset to an inverted integer bit mask with the corresponding number of bits set to 0, at the specified offset.
Utility macro that maps a number of bits to the maximum value of an unsigned integer with that number of bits.
The expression the bitops macros will use to represent an integer with the least significant bit set to one (1) and the other bits set to zero (0).
Maps a number of bits to the number of possible states of a value with that number of bits.
Maps a bit number to an integer value with (only) the corresponding bit set to 1.
Maps a field size, a field offset and an arbitary integer to an integer where the bitfield with the specified size at the specified offset in the arbitrary integer has been cleared.
Converts a given number of CPU clock cycles to the duration in microseconds of that many clock cycles at the current clock frequency (given by the F_CPU macro).
Maps a field size and an arbitary integer to an integer containing the bitfield with the specified size, from the least significant bits of the arbitrary integer.
Maps a field size, a field offset and an arbitary integer to an integer containing the bitfield with the specified size at the specified offset in the arbitrary integer.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the I2C module is busy with an ongoing operation.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the I2C module is initialized and ready to begin a new operation.
Maps a field size, a field offset and an arbitary integer to an integer that has a bitfield with the specified size at the specified offset, containing bits from the arbitrary integer.
The largest valid register bank address.
The largest valid register pair address.
Bit mask for the valid bits of an MCP23018 register address.
Numeric identifier of the P0 potentiometer in an MCP4x device.
Numeric identifier of the P1 potentiometer in an MCP4x device.
Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer-to-constant that is compatible with the memory monitor API (a memmon_cptr), without triggering compiler warnings.
Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer that is compatible with the memory monitor API (a memmon_ptr), without triggering compiler warnings.
Maximum size in bytes of a monitored memory location.
Converts a duration in microseconds to the number of CPU clock cycles performed during that time at the current clock frequency (given by the F_CPU macro).
Size in bytes of the buffer for asynchronous SPI operations.
Initiates an input command to the nRF24x via an asynchronous SPI request.
Initiates an output command to the nRF24x via an asynchronous SPI request.
Extracts the ARC_CNT bitfield value from an OBSERVE_TX register value.
Extracts the PLOS_CNT bitfield value from an OBSERVE_TX register value.
Extracts the RX_P_NO bitfield value from a STATUS register value.
Special value returned by nrf24x_in_finish when no asynchronous command is pending.
Constructs an R_REGISTER command word with a specified nRF24x register address.
Constructs an RF_CH register value from an RF_CH bitfield value.
Constructs a SETUP_RETR register value from ARD and ARC bitfield values.
Constructs a W_ACK_PAYLOAD command word with a specified nRF24x data pipe number.
Constructs a W_REGISTER command word with a specified nRF24x register address.
Maps task category numbers to the corresponding bit flags.
The CPU clock prescale value of the timer that the scheduler uses to keep track of elapsed time.
The two-logarithm of the CPU clock prescale value of the timer that the scheduler uses to keep track of elapsed time.
Deprecated, kept for backward compatibility.
The maximum number of tasks that can be scheduled simultaneously.
The duration in microseconds of a scheduler tick.
Constructs a sched_time value representing the given duration in smallticks and bigticks.
A sched_time value representing the longest representable duration.
The longest duration representable by a sched_time, in milliseconds (rounded down).
The longest duration representable by a sched_time, in microseconds.
The largest number of smallticks storable in a sched_time, including those stored as bigticks.
Constructs a sched_time value representing the given duration in milliseconds.
Constructs a sched_time value representing the given duration in microseconds.
Evaluates to the duration in milliseconds represented by a given sched_time value.
Evaluates to the duration in microseconds represented by a given sched_time value.
Evaluates to the total number of smallticks stored in a given sched_time value.
A sched_time value representing a zero duration (no time at all).
Maps a field size, a field offset and two arbitary integers to an integer that has a bitfield with the specified size at the specified offset, containing bits from the second arbitrary integer, while the remaining bits are equal to the corresponding bits in the first arbitrary integer.
Reference to the I/O direction register (DDRx) for the pins used by the SPI peripheral.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the SPI module is busy with an ongoing asynchronous operation.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the SPI module is initialized and ready to begin a new asynchronous operation.
Register bit number of the MISO pin of the SPI peripheral.
Register bit number of the MOSI pin of the SPI peripheral.
Reference to the I/O input register (PINx) for the pins used by the SPI peripheral.
Reference to the I/O output register (PORTx) for the pins used by the SPI peripheral.
Register bit number of the SCK pin of the SPI peripheral.
Register bit number of the SS pin of the SPI peripheral.
Alias of the bit number of the MSTR bit in the SPCR register.