$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 API Functions
 API Functions-Helpers
 API Functions-Scheduler Operations
 API Variables
 Command API Macros and Functions
 Command API Variables
 Configuration Macros
 Data Types
 delay, sched_task
 delay_count, memmon_spec
 delay_div, memmon_spec
 dstadr, ttlv_s_inm_header
 Enumerations and Macros
 Function Definition Macros
 Global Variables
 h, sched_time
 handler, sched_task
 Helper Macros
 I2C Module State/Result Codes
 l, sched_time
 length, ttlv_s_header
 Logical Registers
When this header is included in a firmware code file, the watchdog timer will be automatically disabled (via WATCHDOG_DISABLE_ON_MCU_RESET) during firmware initialization, before main is called.
Converts a baud rate to an UBRR register value that can be passed to ttlv_init.
Maps a mask size to an integer bit mask with the corresponding number of bits set to 1.
Maps a mask size and offset to an integer bit mask with the corresponding number of bits set to 1, at the specified offset.
Maps a mask size and offset to an inverted integer bit mask with the corresponding number of bits set to 0, at the specified offset.
Utility macro that maps a number of bits to the maximum value of an unsigned integer with that number of bits.
General-purpose bit and bit field manipulation macros.
The expression the bitops macros will use to represent an integer with the least significant bit set to one (1) and the other bits set to zero (0).
Maps a number of bits to the number of possible states of a value with that number of bits.
Maps a bit number to an integer value with (only) the corresponding bit set to 1.
Maps a field size, a field offset and an arbitary integer to an integer where the bitfield with the specified size at the specified offset in the arbitrary integer has been cleared.
Converts a given number of CPU clock cycles to the duration in microseconds of that many clock cycles at the current clock frequency (given by the F_CPU macro).
sched_time delay
Execution delay of the task instance.
uint8_t delay_count
Used internally by the memory monitor task to keep track of the number of task executions since the lastest notification was sent.
uint8_t delay_div
Notification rate divisor to apply to the monitor.
uint8_t dstadr
INM address of the destination node.
Maps a field size and an arbitary integer to an integer containing the bitfield with the specified size, from the least significant bits of the arbitrary integer.
Maps a field size, a field offset and an arbitary integer to an integer containing the bitfield with the specified size at the specified offset in the arbitrary integer.
uint16_t h
The bigtick count field.
sched_task_handler handler
Pointer to the task handler procedure.
NOTE: The error codes are those with names starting with “I2C_E_”.
module is currently performing an operation
module is disabled
lost I2C master arbitration
hardware generated unexpected status code
I2C length error (bytes to transmit and receive both zero)
received unexpected negative acknowledgement
attempted operation not allowed in current module state
unspecified error
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the I2C module is busy with an ongoing operation.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the I2C module is initialized and ready to begin a new operation.
module is idle and ready to begin a new operation
extern volatile i2c_state i2c_request_state
Contains a state code representing the current state of the I2C module.
typedef uint8_t i2c_slave_addr
The type of I2C slave addresses.
typedef uint8_t i2c_state
The type of state and result codes for the I2C module.
extern volatile sched_catflags i2c_task_cats
Tasks in the categories indicated by this sched_catflags value will be notified by the I2C module’s ISR when a request operation finishes (either successfully or with an error).
Helper module for I2C (aka TWI) communication.
void i2chelper_mstr_init(uint8_t twbr,
sched_catflags task_cats)
Configures the I2C module for master mode (the only one currently implemented).
i2c_state i2chelper_request(i2c_slave_addr addr,
uint8_t n_out,
volatile const uint8_t *bfr_out,
uint8_t n_in,
volatile uint8_t *bfr_in)
Initiates an I2C request operation consisting of a transmit phase followed by a receive phase.
void i2chelper_shutdown(void)
Shuts down the I2C module.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
uint8_t l
The smalltick count field.
uint8_t length
TLV length field.