Variable Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 delay, sched_task
 delay_count, memmon_spec
 delay_div, memmon_spec
 dstadr, ttlv_s_inm_header
 h, sched_time
 handler, sched_task
 l, sched_time
 length, ttlv_s_header
 mon_i, memmon_header
 msg_id, ttlv_s_inm_header
 result_code, ttlv_msg_inm_result
 size, memmon_spec
 srcadr, ttlv_s_inm_header
 st, sched_task
 type, ttlv_s_header
sched_time delay
Execution delay of the task instance.
uint8_t delay_count
Used internally by the memory monitor task to keep track of the number of task executions since the lastest notification was sent.
uint8_t delay_div
Notification rate divisor to apply to the monitor.
uint8_t dstadr
INM address of the destination node.
uint16_t h
The bigtick count field.
sched_task_handler handler
Pointer to the task handler procedure.
extern volatile i2c_state i2c_request_state
Contains a state code representing the current state of the I2C module.
typedef uint8_t i2c_slave_addr
The type of I2C slave addresses.
typedef uint8_t i2c_state
The type of state and result codes for the I2C module.
extern volatile sched_catflags i2c_task_cats
Tasks in the categories indicated by this sched_catflags value will be notified by the I2C module’s ISR when a request operation finishes (either successfully or with an error).
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
ttlv_reg_index index
Register identifier.
uint8_t l
The smalltick count field.
uint8_t length
TLV length field.
typedef uint8_t mcp23018_reg
The type of MCP23018 register addresses.
typedef const uint8_t *memmon_cptr
The type of pointers to constant memory locations in the memory monitor API.
extern uint16_t memmon_drop_count
Number of failed notification attempts made by the memory monitor task.
extern ptrdiff_t memmon_free_ram
Available unused RAM in bytes.
extern uint8_t memmon_max_monitors
The maximum number of simultaneously registered memory monitors.
extern uint16_t memmon_msg_count
Number of notification attempts made by the memory monitor task.
extern uint8_t memmon_n_monitors
The number of registered memory monitors.
typedef uint8_t *memmon_ptr
The type of pointers to memory locations in the memory monitor API.
uint8_t mon_i
Index number of the memory monitor.
uint16_t msg_id
Identification number of the INM message.
extern volatile uint8_t nrf24x_command
When the NRF24X_CMD_IN API macro is used, the command word of the input command to send MUST be stored here before the macro is invoked.
extern volatile uint8_t nrf24x_status
Storage location for STATUS values.
memmon_cptr ptr
Address of the monitored memory location.
memmon_cptr ptr
Pointer to the memory location to monitor.
uint16_t request_id
Identifies the request message.
uint16_t request_id
Identifies the request message.
uint16_t request_id
Identifies the request message.
ttlv_result result_code
Identifies the result of the requested operation.
typedef uint16_t sched_catflags
The type of fields containing sets of bit flags that correspond to task categories.
extern sched_time sched_delta
The scheduler iteration time delta.
extern volatile sched_catflags sched_isr_tcww
This is the ISR-Task Category Wakeup Word (I-TCWW), a variable that contains bit flags representing a set of task categories that should be notified at the start of the next scheduler iteration.
extern uint8_t sched_list_size
Current size of the task list.
extern sched_catflags sched_task_tcww
This is the Task-Task Category Wakeup Word (T-TCWW), a variable that contains bit flags representing a set of task categories that should be notified at the start of the next scheduler iteration.
extern volatile uint16_t sched_tick_count_h
High bytes (“bigticks”) of the scheduling clock’s tick count.
extern sched_time sched_ticks
The scheduler iteration timestamp.
uint8_t size
Size in bytes of the memory location to monitor.
extern volatile spi_state spi_request_state
Contains a state code representing the current state of the SPI module.
typedef uint8_t spi_state
The type of state and result codes for the SPI module.
extern volatile sched_catflags spi_task_cats
Tasks in the categories indicated by this sched_catflags value will be notified by the SPI module’s ISR when a request operation finishes (either successfully or with an error).
uint8_t srcadr
INM address of the source node.
uint8_t st
Task control and status byte (TCSB) of the task instance.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a
Debounced pin values for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b
Debounced pin values for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c
Debounced pin values for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d
Debounced pin values for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_invoke_mask
Contains a TCSB bit mask.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_invoke_st
Contains a TCSB bit pattern.
extern sched_catflags tbouncer_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_mode
The type of mode flags for the TTLV module.
extern ttlv_mode ttlv_mode_flags
Contains a set of mode flags (ttlv_mode) that represent the current operation mode of the TTLV module.
extern ttlv_header ttlv_recv_header
Contains the most recently received ttlv_header.
extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_recv_inm_header
Contains the most recently received ttlv_inm_header.
extern ttlv_state ttlv_recv_state
A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV receiver.
extern sched_catflags ttlv_recv_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
typedef uint8_t ttlv_reg_index
The type of TTLV logical register identifiers.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_reg_value
The type of TTLV logical register values.
typedef uint16_t ttlv_regpair_value
The type of TTLV logical register pair values.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_result
The type of TTLV result codes.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_state
The type of state codes for the TTLV module.
extern ttlv_header ttlv_xmit_header
Contains the ttlv_header to transmit.
extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_xmit_inm_header
Contains the ttlv_inm_header to transmit.
extern ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_state
A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV transmitter.
extern sched_catflags ttlv_xmit_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
uint8_t type
TLV type identifier field.
ttlv_reg_value value
Register value.
ttlv_regpair_value value
Register pair value.
ttlv_reg_value value
Register value.
ttlv_regpair_value value
Register pair value.
extern uint8_t watchdog_saved_mcu_reset_flags __attribute__ ((address (RAMEND)))
When the watchdog is disabled via WATCHDOG_DISABLE_ON_MCU_RESET_SAVE_FLAGS, the contents of the MCUSR register are stored here before the register is cleared.