When the NRF24X_CMD_IN API macro is used, the command word of the input command to send MUST be stored here before the macro is invoked.
extern volatile uint8_t nrf24x_command
Sends a 1-byte input command (one that receives a single input data byte in response) to the nRF24x.
uint8_t nrf24x_in_1( uint8_t cmd, uint8_t * data_p )
Used to finish an asynchronous input command sent to the nRF24x and fetch the received input data.
uint8_t nrf24x_in_finish( uint8_t * bfr_in )
Sends an N-byte input command (one that receives a specified number of input data bytes in response) to the nRF24x.
uint8_t nrf24x_in_n( uint8_t cmd, uint8_t n_in, uint8_t * bfr_in )
Sends a 0-byte output command (one that consists only of a command word) to the nRF24x.
uint8_t nrf24x_out_0( uint8_t cmd )
Sends a 1-byte output command (one that consists of a command word and a single output data byte) to the nRF24x.
uint8_t nrf24x_out_1( uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data )
Sends an N-byte output command (one that consists of a command word and a specified number of output data bytes) to the nRF24x.
uint8_t nrf24x_out_n( uint8_t cmd, uint8_t n_out, uint8_t * bfr_out )
Storage location for STATUS values.
extern volatile uint8_t nrf24x_status
Address of the monitored memory location.
memmon_cptr ptr
Pointer to the memory location to monitor.
memmon_cptr ptr
Identifies the request message.
uint16_t request_id
Identifies the request message.
uint16_t request_id
Identifies the request message.
uint16_t request_id
Identifies the result of the requested operation.
ttlv_result result_code