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 Task Control and Status Bytes
 Task Records
 TTLV Byte Parity Codes
 TTLV Message Type Identifiers
 TTLV Mode Flags
 TTLV Module State/Result Codes
 TTLV Operation Result Codes
 type, ttlv_s_header
A task scheduler for AVR microcontrollers.
Integer value with (only) the TCSB sleep bit (see sched_task) set.
True if and only if the sleep bit is set in the specified TCSB value (see sched_task).
Constructs a TCSB value (see sched_task) with the given category number set (the instance number and sleep bit are zero).
Bit mask for the task category number in a TCSB (see sched_task).
This is a special TCSB value (see sched_task) that marks a task as “garbage” when assigned.
Extracts the category number from a TCSB value (see sched_task).
Gets the category number from a TCSB value (see sched_task) as a sched_catflags value.
Extracts the instance number from a TCSB value (see sched_task).
Extracts the sleep bit from a TCSB value (see sched_task).
Convenience macro for constructing a complete TSCB value (see sched_task).
Constructs a TCSB value (see sched_task) with the given instance number set (the category number and sleep bit are zero).
Bit mask for the task instance and category numbers in a TCSB (see sched_task).
Bit mask for the task instance number in a TCSB (see sched_task).
Replaces the category number in a TCSB value (see sched_task).
Replaces the instance number in a TCSB value (see sched_task).
Task-based TLV (TTLV) communication module for ATmega microcontrollers.
Input debouncing module that uses the task_sched.h task scheduler.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a
Debounced pin values for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port A.
Falling edge flags for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port A.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_a_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port A.
Rising edge flags for I/O port A.
This value can be given to the pin change notification mask arguments of tbouncer_init to indicate that all the pins of the corresponding I/O port should trigger pin change notifications.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b
Debounced pin values for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port B.
Falling edge flags for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_b_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port B.
Rising edge flags for I/O port B.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c
Debounced pin values for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port C.
Falling edge flags for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_c_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port C.
Rising edge flags for I/O port C.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d
Debounced pin values for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d_diff
Pin change flags for I/O port D.
Falling edge flags for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d_mask
Pin change notification bit mask for I/O port D.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_d_prev
Previous debounced pin values for I/O port D.
Rising edge flags for I/O port D.
void tbouncer_init(uint8_t task_num_cat,
sched_time poll_delay,
uint8_t a_mask,
uint8_t b_mask,
uint8_t c_mask,
uint8_t d_mask,
sched_catflags notify_cats,
uint8_t invoke_mask,
uint8_t invoke_st)
Initializes the debouncer module.
Wrapper macro for tbouncer_init.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_invoke_mask
Contains a TCSB bit mask.
extern uint8_t tbouncer_invoke_st
Contains a TCSB bit pattern.
The number of bits in the tick count field of an I/O pin’s debouncing state variable.
The number of consecutive pin input values (as obtained at each debouncer tick) different from the current debounced value that are required to update the debounced value.
Maximum allowed value of TBOUNCER_NEQ_FOR_UPDATE.
void tbouncer_shutdown(void)
Shuts down the debouncer module.
extern sched_catflags tbouncer_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags.
The number of bits in the tick count field of an I/O pin’s debouncing state variable.
The number of debouncer ticks that must pass after a pin value update before the debouncer starts counting consecutive pin input values different from the current debounced value.
Maximum allowed value of TBOUNCER_TICKS_FOR_UPDATE.
NOTE: Application-specific message type identifiers SHOULD be greater than or equal to TTLV_MSG_T_APPLICATION.
NOTE: The error codes are those with names starting with “TTLV_E_”.
NOTE: Application-specific result codes SHOULD be greater than or equal to TTLV_RES_APPLICATION and not equal to TTLV_RES_NONE.
module is currently transmitting or receiving data
ttlv_state ttlv_begin_xmit(void)
Initiates message transmission.
Special INM address used for broadcast messages.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches an INM_RESULT message with a ttlv_msg_inm_result payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REG_READ message with a ttlv_reg_index payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REG_RW_EXCH message with a ttlv_msg_reg payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REG_TOGGLE message with a ttlv_msg_reg payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REG_WR_EXCH message with a ttlv_msg_reg payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REG_WRITE message with a ttlv_msg_reg payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REGPAIR_READ message with a ttlv_reg_index payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REGPAIR_RW_EXCH message with a ttlv_msg_regpair payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REGPAIR_TOGGLE message with a ttlv_msg_regpair payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REGPAIR_WR_EXCH message with a ttlv_msg_regpair payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a REGPAIR_WRITE message with a ttlv_msg_regpair payload.
True if and only if the current ttlv_recv_header matches a RESULT message with a ttlv_result payload.
Evaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and minimum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.
Evaluates to a true value and only if the specified TLV message type identifier and maximum length match the ones currently stored in ttlv_recv_header.
Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to a constant instance of another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.
Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to const uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.
Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to uint8_t, without triggering compiler warnings.
module is disabled
data buffering error (too few or too many buffered bytes)
data overrun error in TTLV receive buffer
frame error in USART receiver
TLV length error (message too large)
data overrun error in USART receiver
parity error in USART receiver
attempted operation not allowed in current module state
unspecified error
ttlv_state ttlv_finish_recv(void)
Finishes message reception.
uint8_t ttlv_get_bytes(uint8_t n,
uint8_t *data_p)
Retrieves data bytes from the start of the sequence of incoming bytes in the receive buffer.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if at least one received message header (TLV header only in TLV mode, INM+TLV header in INM mode) is currently pending.
Evaluates to a true value if and only if at least one complete received message is currently pending.
typedef union ttlv_header
Provides byte access to the ttlv_s_header struct h via the byte array b.
module has an incoming TLV header buffered, but not a complete message
Combined size in bytes of an INM header and a TLV header.
Size in bytes of a TLV header.
void ttlv_init(uint8_t task_num_cat,
uint16_t ubrr,
uint8_t parity,
uint8_t u2x,
ttlv_mode mode,
sched_catflags xmit_task_cats,
sched_catflags recv_task_cats)
Initializes the TTLV communication module.
typedef union ttlv_inm_header
Provides byte access to the ttlv_s_inm_header struct h via the byte array b.
module has an incoming INM header buffered, but not a TLV header
Evaluates to a true value if and only if the argument is a TTLV error code.
Special INM address representing the local node.
Maximum TTLV message length for large messages.
Largest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.
Maximum TLV length of an INM message handled by the TTLV module.
Maximum TLV length of a plain TLV message handled by the TTLV module.
Largest valid INM address.
Largest valid TTLV message ID.
Maximum TTLV message length for standard messages.
Largest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.
Smallest valid TTLV message type number for large messages.
Smallest valid TTLV message type number for standard messages.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_mode
The type of mode flags for the TTLV module.
extern ttlv_mode ttlv_mode_flags
Contains a set of mode flags (ttlv_mode) that represent the current operation mode of the TTLV module.
Specifies that INM message headers should be used.
Specifies that stream I/O should be enabled.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_msg_inm_reg
Specifies the format of an identifier-value pair for a logical register, with an INM message ID appended.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_msg_inm_regpair
Specifies the format of an identifier-value pair for a logical register pair, with an INM message ID appended.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_msg_inm_result
Specifies the format of a generic INM response message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_INM_REG_READ_RES message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_INM_REGPAIR_READ_RES message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_INM_RESULT message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REG_READ message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REG_READ_RES message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REG_RW_EXCH message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REG_TOGGLE message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REG_WR_EXCH message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REG_WRITE message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REGPAIR_READ message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REGPAIR_READ_RES message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REGPAIR_RW_EXCH message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REGPAIR_TOGGLE message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REGPAIR_WR_EXCH message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_REGPAIR_WRITE message.
TLV length of a TTLV_MSG_T_RESULT message.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_msg_reg
Specifies the format of an identifier-value pair for a logical register.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_msg_regpair
Specifies the format of an identifier-value pair for a logical register pair.
Start of application-specific identifier range.
Default message type.
Logical INM register read response (with request ID).
Logical INM register pair read response (with request ID).
Generic INM operation response (result code and request ID).
Memory monitor control request.
Memory monitor notification.
Logical register read request.
Logical TLV register read response.
Logical register read-write (X = R; R = V; ret X) request.
Logical register toggle (R ^= V; ret R) request.
Logical register write-read (R = V; ret R) request.
Logical register write (R = V) request.
Logical register pair read (ret R) request.
Logical TLV register pair read response.
Logical register pair read-write request.
Logical register pair toggle request.
Logical register pair write-read request.
Logical register pair write request.
Generic TLV operation response (result code).
even byte parity
no byte parity
odd byte parity
TTLV message type number reserved for protocol messages.
Converts a pointer to an arbitrary type into a pointer to another arbitrary type, without triggering compiler warnings.
uint8_t ttlv_put_byte(uint8_t data)
Appends a data byte to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_put_bytes(uint8_t n,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Appends data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
module is idle and ready to transmit or receive
ttlv_state ttlv_recv(uint8_t *data_p)
Retrieves the data bytes of a received message and finishes message reception.
Size in bytes of the TTLV receive buffer.
extern ttlv_header ttlv_recv_header
Contains the most recently received ttlv_header.
extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_recv_inm_header
Contains the most recently received ttlv_inm_header.
extern ttlv_state ttlv_recv_state
A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV receiver.
extern sched_catflags ttlv_recv_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
typedef uint8_t ttlv_reg_index
The type of TTLV logical register identifiers.
typedef ttlv_result (
)(ttlv_reg_index index, ttlv_reg_value *value_p)
The type of pointers to functions that perform some update operation on a specified logical register.
typedef ttlv_result (
)(ttlv_reg_index index, ttlv_reg_value value)
The type of pointers to functions that set the value of a specified logical register.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_reg_value
The type of TTLV logical register values.
typedef ttlv_result (
)(ttlv_reg_index index, ttlv_regpair_value *value_p)
The type of pointers to functions that perform some update operation on a specified logical register pair.
typedef ttlv_result (
)(ttlv_reg_index index, ttlv_regpair_value value)
The type of pointers to functions that set the value of a specified logical register pair.
typedef uint16_t ttlv_regpair_value
The type of TTLV logical register pair values.
Start of application-specific result code range.
Error: Internal error encountered while handling message.
Error: Invalid message length.
Invalid result code.
Error: Message recognized but cannot be handled.
Request successfully handled.
Error: Message specified unrecognized logical register.
Error: Unrecognized message type.
Error: Invalid message value.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_result
The type of TTLV result codes.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_s_header
Specifies the byte format of a TLV header.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ttlv_s_inm_header
Specifies the byte format of an INM message header.
void ttlv_shutdown(void)
Shuts down the TTLV communication module.
typedef uint8_t ttlv_state
The type of state codes for the TTLV module.
Defines a static function that uses specified logical register read and write functions to implement the register read-write operation (X = R; R = V; ret X).
Defines a static function that uses specified logical register read and write functions to implement the register toggle operation (R ^= V; ret R).
Defines a static function that uses specified logical register read and write functions to implement the register write-read operation (R = V; ret R).
Defines a static function that uses a specified logical register read function to implement the register pair read operation (ret R).
Defines a static function that uses specified logical register pair read and write functions to implement the register pair read-write operation (X = R; R = V; ret X).
Defines a static function that uses specified logical register pair read and write functions to implement the register pair toggle operation (R ^= V; ret R).
Defines a static function that uses specified logical register pair read and write functions to implement the register pair write-read operation (R = V; ret R).
Defines a static function that uses a specified logical register write function to implement the register pair write operation (R = V).
operation or function finished successfully
ttlv_state ttlv_try_begin_xmit(void)
Initiates message transmission or clears the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_try_put_bytes(uint8_t n,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Attempts to append all the specified data bytes to the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
uint8_t ttlv_unput_bytes(uint8_t n)
Removes uncommitted data bytes from the end of the sequence of outgoing bytes in the transmit buffer.
module is currently transmitting a TLV value in streaming mode
module has a complete incoming message buffered
ttlv_state ttlv_xmit(uint8_t dstadr,
uint8_t type,
uint8_t length,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Initiates transmission of a specified message or clears the transmit buffer.
Size in bytes of the TTLV transmit buffer.
extern ttlv_header ttlv_xmit_header
Contains the ttlv_header to transmit.
extern ttlv_inm_header ttlv_xmit_inm_header
Contains the ttlv_inm_header to transmit.
ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_inm_result(ttlv_result res)
Convenience function that uses ttlv_xmit to transmit a TTLV_MSG_T_INM_RESULT message.
ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_response(uint8_t type,
uint8_t length,
const uint8_t *data_p)
Convenience function that uses ttlv_xmit to transmit a message.
ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_result(ttlv_result res)
Convenience function that uses ttlv_xmit to transmit a TTLV_MSG_T_RESULT message.
extern ttlv_state ttlv_xmit_state
A ttlv_state representing the current state of the TTLV transmitter.
extern sched_catflags ttlv_xmit_task_cats
Contains a set of task category bit flags (sched_catflags).
uint8_t type
TLV type identifier field.